Join Me on Twitter

Without my laptop, I won’t be able to post updates of my preaching and teaching ministry on Oahu; however, I intend to tweet through the experience. If you don’t already follow me through Twitter, you can start doing so from the homepage of my website (@chriscastaldo on Twitter).

My former colleague from College Church and fellow blogger, Pastor Eric McKiddie, will be guest posting in my absence. Stay tuned; you’re in for a treat!

Thanks in advance for your prayers! For Christ and His Kingdom, Chris

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The Gift We Overlook

Early Christians saw themselves as the manifestation of Christ in the world. According to sociologist Rodney Stark, this understanding of Christ’s body fueled the church’s

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Preaching and Prayer

Augustine of Hippo (354-430)—famous bishop, pastor, theologian, and philosopher—was a superlative preacher. In On Christian Teaching, he shares with his brother pastors his meditations on the

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