Evangelicals Becoming Catholic: Lectures


"Swimming the Tiber" is shorthand for conversion to the Catholic Church (the Tiber River runs alongside of Vatican City). Maybe you have wondered why someone would make such a move or how to intelligently discuss the issue with your friends and loved ones. These and related questions were addressed on Saturday, April 14 on the campus of Wheaton College when authors of the recent book, Journeys of Faith, delivered brief lectures on the subject and answered questions.


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Sessions include:

1. Dr. Gregg AllisonThe Roman Road, or the Road to Rome?  Why Some Protestants Drift to Catholicism.

2. Rev. Chris Castaldo – Crossing the Tiber: Why Catholics and Protestants Convert.

3. Dr. Craig BlaisingDoes Accepting the Canon of Scripture Implicitly Affirm Rome’s Authority? 

4. Dr. Robert Plummer – Moderator

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