Q Place, Vital Conference

Many of you already know Q Place. It is a vibrant ministry built on the recognition that there are multitudes of people in our culture who would appreciate the opportunity to interact with questions about God and the Bible in a supportive environment. In light of this, their mission is to mobilize men and women to start groups, equipping them to become excellent facilitators.  With time-tested guidelines and solid inductive resources, facilitators cultivate a healthy group process so that everyone in the group can come to conclusions at their own pace.

Now for the exciting part. The Q Place Vital Conference is around the corner, coming to St. Charles, IL on October 4-6, 2012. Having attended Vital in the past, it has my hearty approbation and endorsement. It is among the most useful evangelism conferences you’ll ever attend. Following is a brief overview. Simply click on the Vital banner below to obtain more information from the Q Place conference page.


What happens at Vital? At Vital, people from all over the country and beyond gather to learn from gifted speakers and from each other.  Vital participants discuss the great need in today’s culture for people to have an opportunity to discover for themselves what they believe. Vital explores how we can create a new kind of learning environment within our own communities—an environment characterized by openness, encouragement, and love, where people with questions about God can find a supportive community of friends.

What about this REAL LOVE theme?  What if the Great Commission is actually an extension of the Great Commandment?  We are called to be ambassadors of the gospel, and the root of the gospel is God’s love.  Vital will explore how we can exhibit real, radical love in our conversations and relationships with those who are outside the church.  We draw our theme this year from Matthew 22: 37-39:

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

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