Mr. Magoo Goes to California

I tend to see myself as a modern-day Mr. Magoo: not particularly clever or intentional, but, despite myself, guided by divine oversight. Therefore, as I approach our Holy Ground book tour in Los Angeles and San Diego, which begins Monday evening, I’ve titled it “Mr. Magoo Goes to California.” Silly as this may sound, it is precisely the perspective needed to remind me of the One who is in control.

While I’m more like Magoo than I care to admit—on the verge of stepping off the edge of a metaphorical cliff or in front of a herd off fast-charging bulls—thankfully, God delights in saving Magoos. We might think that it’s our snappy hat or wooden cane, but, behold, there’s a far greater and glorious power at work. In fact, the word “power” is inadequate; it’s a person, or better still, person(s). God the Father extends grace through Jesus, by his Spirit to provide us with wisdom and strength in our moments of need. Indeed, this is what I’d ask you to please pray.

Over the next two weeks, as I speak at various churches and universities, interacting with all manner of Protestants and Catholics on a wide range of issues, I want to be the humble Magoo who, instead of directing attention to himself, highlights the greatness of God.

Hopefully, I’ll have tour updates for you blogged here along the way. In the meantime, would you please join me in praying that God would be glorified through this Magoo? Sincere thanks! 

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