Always Be Prepared


These are Peter’s words, “[A]lways be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you, with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet 3:15). Such was the theme of two lectures that I delivered at Biola University last week in their Summer Apologetics Series, for which men and women came from as far away as China.

As I flew home from Los Angeles last night, I wondered why students would travel such a vast distance to learn how to better communicate their faith? I think it’s because they recognize the importance of Peter’s words—that our communication of the good news is the way that God saves the world. Evangelism is that important. As my colleague, Kent Hughes, liked to say, “It’s only life or death.”

Thanks for your support of the Ministry of Gospel Renewal which makes it possible for me to serve the church for the advance of the gospel! 

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