Catholic-Evangelical Dialogue on Christian Mission: An Event

How can Roman Catholics and evangelical Protestants discuss the good news of Jesus? The following text of Scripture, in my humble opinion, should be at the forefront of our reflection: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14, emphasis added). With a balance that can only be described as perfect, our Lord Jesus Christ embodied the virtues of grace and truth in full measure. In every conversation, Christ responded with the utmost charity and discernment, refusing to allow a humanly engineered wedge to separate these virtues. As men and women whose identities are founded in Jesus Christ, we now pursue this same balance as a central part of our calling.

To the extent that the grace/truth vision captures your imagination (or at least raises a modicum of interest) please join us this Monday evening, February 9th @ 7:00pm for a friendly conversation about Christian faith between (the Catholic) Father Robert Barron and (Protestant) Dr. John Armstrong, with yours truly serving as the moderator. The event is titled A Conversation on Christian Faith Today, and will be held at St. Procopius Abbey in Lisle, IL (5601 College Road). Admission is free and open to the public. We would love to see you there.


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