Early Morning Insight

coffeeIf I were to title this photo, it might be “cross cultural.” On the kitchen window sill, before a Japanese garden, are my coffee maker and Italian espresso which I brought from home—a delicious example of postmodern pluralism. 

At 4:00am I awoke. After brewing a bit of coffee, I sat down to read a book that has turned out to be the finest work on pastoral ministry I’ve ever read. It’s titled “A Minister’s Obstacles” by Ralph Turnbull. Published in 1959, this classic book was given to me by an elderly member of College Church, a man who has served in pastoral ministry for over 50 years. I would show you a copy of the cover, but there are no images on the internet that I can find, an indication of how long it’s been out of print.

I have so many quotes underlined that I don’t know which one to share, so I’ll chose the shortest and perhaps most pertinent. Speaking of why Christians lack spiritual passion Turnbull writes,

“Our danger is that we’re always ‘on the run,’’ and neglect the culture of our souls in private.”

Amazing, even in 1959 this was a problem. Having further descended into the abyss of franticness, we have opportunity to face this danger head-on and reclaim the vibrant spiritual life for which Christ died.

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