Elton: Day 17

Elton is really improving! The extension of his leg yesterday surpassed all of our expectations. Such progress is the fruit of his vigilance on the CPM machine and other rehab disciplines.

Since yesterday was sixty degrees in Chicago, I rode my bicycle to work. I was also motivated by concern for the couple of pounds I’ve acquired as of late. As I’ve said, we’ve been spoiled by culinary delights which ladies of College Church have brought us. It is of course my moral obligation to eat everything they bring, even the desserts, in order to honestly tell them how much I enjoyed it (yeah, cheesy excuse, I know).

Why am I telling you all this? Well, it’s a lame explanation for why there are no photos of Elton today.  Instead of schlepping my computer home on the bicycle, I left it at the office and thus undermined my photo posting routine.

In the absence of new photos, let me share with you an old one. It was taken more than a year ago when Laurie Kelley first met Elton in Zimbabwe and recognized his need for help. At this point Elton’s lower leg was growing numb and some were beginning to wonder if an amputation would eventually be necessary.

Let me encourage you to visit the L.A. Kelley Communications’ photo Gallery L.A. Kelley Communications Gallery. These photos will not only illuminate your understanding of what hemophilia looks like around the globe, many of them will take your breath away.

While you’re at it, you can learn more about the work of L.A. Kelley Communications by visiting their website at http://www.kelleycom.com

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