Fourth Printing

Holy Ground CoverThanks for your support of Holy Ground. According to Zondervan, we just finished a fourth printing, which now brings the total copies above 7,000.

Every week I hear from readers whose lives have somehow been enriched by the book. A young man who trusts in Jesus for the first time, a married couple—he is a Catholic, she is a Protestant—deciding against divorce, a former Catholic who finally understands why she has been plagued by religious guilt, finds liberation. It appears that God is at work.

During these six months of sabbatical (which goes until November), I will be visiting churches and seminaries to talk about Holy Ground (the Book Tour page of my website offers details on the nature of these talks). If your church, or one that you know, would benefit from such a venue, it would be my privilege to visit. Please feel free to contact me via email at

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