Holy Ground Blog Tour Begins!

You’re invited to join me on the first leg of my book tour. Over the upcoming weeks, I’ll travel to Australia, Kentucky, Cayman Islands, Tennessee, and Michigan. I’d love for you to come, and the nice part is that you won’t have to leave the comforts of your home since this first leg, called the “blog tour,” is entirely on the web. You say, “What on earth is a ‘blog tour’?” Basically, a number of high profile bloggers have been nice enough to read Holy Ground and send me questions which I’ve since answered and will be posted on their respective websites on an appointed day (listed below).

All the bloggers are terrific guys whom I’ve enjoyed during the last several weeks of preparation. Even so, precious few of them have thrown me easy lob balls. Most of their questions were lightening fast pitches rifled down the middle, blazing hot, probing into the deepest controversies between Catholics and Protestants. If you’ve ever wondered what Castaldo believes about this or that conundrum, you’ll likely find out.

Do I expect fireworks to be ignited in the list of comments that follow each blog post? Well, in the words of a notorious hockey mom, “You Betcha!” Sit with me and watch the sparks fly; perhaps we’ll even roast a few marshmallows over the fire. Following is the schedule:

Nov. 16 Paul Grimmond www.solapanel.org

Nov. 18 Jim Hamilton www.jimhamilton.wordpress.com

Nov. 20 Doug Phillips secondtimothy215.blogspot.com

Nov. 23 James Grant www.inlightofthegospel.org

Nov. 24 Trevin Wax trevinwax.com

Nov. 25 Ray Van Neste www.rvanneste.blogspot.com

Nov. 30 Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile www.purechurch.blogspot.com

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