Interview Week

Six radio interviews during the last week have kept me on my toes. Here are some of the most memorable questions:

Most bizarre: So Pastor Castaldo, do you see yourself as a modern day Martin Luther?

Most direct: Are Catholics saved?

Most specific: When was Bernard of Clairvaux born? (Thankfully, I remembered the right century).

In one program we broached the subject of humanae vitae—the Catholic encyclical on birth control. The degree of specificity with which the host described sexual intercourse gave it the feel of a Dr. Ruth Westheimer interview.

Questions have ranged from the theological, “Please explain how infusion compares to imputation,” historical, “Is the Reformation over?” philosophical, “Is there an epistemological pecking order to what you’re describing?” sociological “Why are people today converting? and pastoral “What does the John 1:14 balance look like?”

God willing, this week’s interviews will produce some more memorable quips which I can share with you (although, hopefully not too memorable). Stay tuned.

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