Journeys Of Faith: Evangelicalism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism And Anglicanism

This title is part of Zondervan’s Four Views series. Dr. Robert Plummer is the editor with contributions from Chris Castaldo (Evangelical), Wilbur Elsworth (Orthodoxy), Frank Beckwith (Catholicism), and Lyle Dorsett (Anglicanism). Each section presents the reasons why contributors belong to their respective Christian tradition followed by a response and rejoinder.

Research indicates that, on average, Americans change their religious affiliation at least once during their lives. Journeys of Faith examines the movement between four Christian traditions and what led believers to make a shift.

Four prominent converts to Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Evangelicalism and Anglicanism describe their new faith traditions and doctrines and their spiritual journeys into them. Response chapters offer respectful critiques.

Contributors include:

  • Wilbur Ellsworth (Eastern Orthodoxy), with a response by Craig Blaising
  • Francis J. Beckwith (Roman Catholicism), with Gregg Allison responding
  • Chris Castaldo (Evangelicalism) and Brad S. Gregory’s Catholic response
  • Lyle W. Dorsett (Anglicanism), with a response by Robert A. Peterson.

This book provides you with a series of first-hand accounts of thoughtful Christians changing religious affiliation or remaining true to the traditions they have always known and their rationale for those decisions. Gain a wealth of insight into the attractions of each of the represented denominations and an understanding of the current faith migration within the church today.

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