Longing for Home


With each passing year, my longing to shuffle off this mortal coil in abandonment of my sin in order to behold the beautiful face of Jesus grows deeper and stronger. The following sentiment captures the feeling. Far from negative resignation to the mire and mud of life, it is an eager expectation for the joy that is set before us in Christ:

I must have the Savior indeed, for he is my All.  All that others have in the world and in religion and in themselves I have in thee — pleasures, riches, safety, honor, life, righteousness, holiness, wisdom, bliss, joy, gaiety and happiness . . . . If a child longs for his father, a traveller for the end of his journey, a workman to finish his work, a prisoner for liberty, an heir for the full possession of his estate, so in all these respects I cannot help longing to go home.[1]



[1] Howell Harris, quoted in D. M. Lloyd-Jones, The Puritans (Edinburgh, 1987), page 300.


HT: Ray Ortlund

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