Luau & Preaching

Climbing Coconut Tree

  •   Peer pressure is tough. So when Angela and the boys requested coconuts from the tree, I was obligated to climb to the top and grab some. Don’t look too closely, however, I don’t want you to be struck with envy by my enormous biceps.




These are some shots from the luau which we attended on Saturday, including the boys’ coconut dance. It’s remarkable how much the Samoan warrior resembles me.

Hawaiian Preacher-1

I preached two sermons on Sunday morning at Hawaii Kai Church. In between services folks gather in a lovely outdoor area to enjoy conversation over pineapple and coffee. Words can’t adequately describe the degree of loving hospitality we received from the people of Hawaii Kai. Angela snapped this shot of me finishing my coffee before the second sermon. 



After a delightful lunch at the marina restaurant with friends, we were treated to a speedboat ride. We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto!

Following dinner with the Elders and their spouses, Angela and I were given the privilege of talking to them on the topic of church leadership. I have a feeling that in years to come when we look back upon our life of ministry, today will stand out as among the most extraordinary.

By the time we returned home to Mililani, the little Samoan warriors were out cold.  


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