David Christopher Castaldo

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It is my pleasure to introduce to you the newest edition to the Castaldo famiglia, David Christopher, who entered the world this afternoon at 8-15 pounds 20.5 inches. Please join us in thanking God for his wondrous grace!

Some of you know that Angela is a hemophilia carrier, which means that fifty percent of our boys, genetically speaking, will have the condition. We expect to receive a medical report tomorrow indicating whether this is the case for David. Personally, this is the hardest part for me… waiting for the diagnosis. But as we wait, I am conscious of a truth that my friend Kent Hughes liked to express: "In trials we have the opportunity to believe what we believe concerning God’s providence. And in every circumstance we find God to be consistently faithful.” Praise God that this is reliably true, even when our hearts feel vulnerable. Whatever the outcome, we are grateful for this dear little boy. Thanks for celebrating with us!

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