Monday Here and There

Bkfst w Dad

While passing through San Diego, Dad surprised Angela and me with a brief visit  over breakfast at the Crown Plaza, where he was staying. Yes, Dad and I resemble one another. In fact, many people assume that we are brothers. Hopefully, I’ll have his hairline in twenty years.


Today consisted of several visits, first to Outreach Ministries in Vista where Kim Levings offered Angela and me a full tour. Outreach provides resources and training in the area of gospel outreach and church planting to churches across the nation and abroad. It is a FABULOUS ministry. Sometime soon I’ll do a post properly describing the scope of their work. In the meantime you’ll want to know about their upcoming National Outreach Conference coming up November 3-5 held here in San Diego. Checkout the lineup of speakers; I’m sure you’ll recognize at least some of them.

After Outreach I visited a couple of churches. The last of which is Emmanuel Faith Church in Escondido, where I enjoyed meeting with Pastor Hector Morales. Hector and I have the same title, Pastor of Community Outreach. “Synergy” is the best word I can think of to describe the quality of our conversation.

Soledad Cross

The day concluded with dinner at the home of Ina and Tom. Ina is a leader of Alpha in the San Diego area. Angela met me there and we enjoyed conversation into the evening, learning about the ministry of Alpha, particularly as it concerns the Catholic Community.  

To the left is a photo of the famed Soledad Cross, which, to the consternation of local atheists, sits atop of the highest mountain in the area. It’s breathtaking in beauty and poignant in its significance. 

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