Paring Down Promises

There are some truths about which we need to be regularly reminded. This is one of them.

The Lord’s promises stand firm, trustworthy, and true, and are independent of human probabilities, as Dods reminds us in the following comment from Genesis:

“I am the Almighty God, able to fulfill your highest hopes and accomplish for you the brightest ideal that ever my words set before you.  There is no need of paring down the promise until it squares with human probabilities, no need of relinquishing one hope it has begotten, no need of adopting some interpretation of it which may make it seem easier to fulfill, and no need of striving to fulfill it in any second-rate way.  All possibility lies in this: I am the Almighty God.”[1]


Marcus Dods, The Book of Genesis (New York, 1902), page 161.

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