Sharing Christ at Easter Among Friends & Family


You are invited to a training session on Thursday April 5, 7:00pm – 8:30pm aimed at helping you approach Easter competent and equipped to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We will meet in the Wilson Suite, 4th Floor Billy Graham Center on the campus of Wheaton College.

According to a recent National Barna Survey, only 55% of American adults who identify as “Born Again” have actually shared their faith in the last twelve months. Among this 55%, those who feel competent in doing so are miniscule. Herein is the particular need that we wish to address: to help the church relate the gospel in ways that are clear, winsome, and compelling. And what better time to do it than Easter.

What is now only a trickle of Christian faith, God desires to make a deep river (Ezekiel 47); what is a small cloud, God wishes to develop into a torrential rain (1 Kings 18:44); what is a modest-sized lunch, God will multiply a thousand times over into a feast (John 6). And here is the amazing part: the Lord does this work through ordinary people like us who faithfully embody and proclaim his message.

This event is free and open to the public. Questions can be directed to chris.castaldo [at]

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