In our sinful world, we often struggle with anxiety, loneliness, and heartache. Everywhere we look, we see broken families and divided communities. In view of this, our session considers the Beatitudes to understand how God’s kingdom extends to everyday life, “on earth as it is in heaven.” This counterintuitive vision of the Father’s world is the “blessed” life in Christ that God intends for his people—not just in the future, but here and now.
First and foremost, the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century was a movement of gospel renewal in the church and institutions of society. As a result, men and women returned to Scripture and a particular understanding of salvation, igniting what some have described as “another Pentecost” or “light after darkness.” In this 500-year commemoration of Luther’s Reformation (dated from 1517), we will have opportunity to consider how our current appropriation of the Reformation legacy has potential to stimulate gospel renewal in our present historical moment.
Many of us serve in communities with large Catholic populations, and so fulfilling our calling to equip the church or lead an organization means facing both challenges and opportunities to promote Christ among our Roman Catholic neighbors and constituents. Unfortunately, many Protestants struggle to do this well. We either come off as pit bulls foaming at the mouth—equating fidelity to the gospel with anti-Catholicism—or we’re so open minded that our theological brains fall out of our heads. Over and against these extremes, we are called to maintain the grace and truth balance of our Lord Jesus Christ. This session explores what that balance might look like in your context and develops strategies for helping you to maintain it.
Because God has given his Church the greatest message in the world, we, of all people, should be the clearest and most compelling communicators. Unfortunately, due to a dearth of attention and training, most evangelicals are unable to clearly articulate their faith. According to a recent National Barna Survey, only fifty-five percent of American adults who identify as “Born Again” have actually shared their faith in the last twelve months. Among them, those who feel competent in doing so are miniscule. This session, in addition to clarifying the nature and purpose of gospel outreach, seeks to help us relate the message of Christ in ways that are winsome, relevant, and compelling.
Chris Castaldo is the Lead Pastor at New Covenant Church in Naperville, Illinois, and is a fellow at the Center for Pastor Theologians. Whether it’s through his writing, speaking, or his bi-weekly Vlog, "A Brief Word from Pastor Chris," he desires to see the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed and lives transformed for the glory of God.