Special Event: Lessons and Carols


You are cordially invited to join us at New Covenant Church, Naperville on Sunday, December 9 at 3:00 PM for our annual Lessons and Carols service under the direction of Greg Wheatley. This year we are delighted to have soprano, Grace Canfield, along with our adult choir.

The Festival of Lessons and Carols is a worship service celebrating the birth of Christ. The nine lessons, readings of Scripture, are interspersed with the singing of carols, hymns and choir music. Traditionally, the lessons span the fall of humanity, words from the prophets, and the Gospels.

The Festival of Lessons and Carols dates back to 1878 with the choir of Truro Cathedral, England, performing at 10:00 PM on Christmas Eve. Currently, the Festival of Lessons and Carols is best known from the King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, which has been singing the service since 1918. To get seated, people line up from 7:30 AM before the 3:00 PM service at King’s. It is broadcast live around the world by the BBC.

Like the angels of old who sang good tidings or great joy, it will be our privilege to exclaim the good news of Savior’s birth and encounter his presence anew.

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