The Difference Christ Makes

It is the “immeasurable greatness of God’s power,” says Paul, that “raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the heavenly places far above every authority in this age and the age to come” (Eph 1:20-21). And it is the same power that actively works in us who believe. Occasionally, we have the pleasure of hearing testimony of such power with the effect of inspiring our faith and deepening our Christian witness. In such moments, we see firsthand the difference that Christ makes.

In addition to inspiring the church toward godliness, testimonies also have the potential of illustrating for the world the life-changing power of the gospel. With this opportunity in view, the Ministry of Gospel Renewal at the Billy Graham Center (BGC) is embarking upon a new initiative titled “The Difference Christ Makes.” The idea is born out of the realization that the BGC at Wheaton College is in an unusually strategic position to connect with some high profile individuals who have undergone Christian conversion and who are in a position to articulate the difference that Christ makes in their lives.

Following is a preliminary list of candidates to whom (in nearly every case) we have a personal contact. I would greatly value your input in terms of other individuals whom you think should be on the list. And, of course, we covet your prayers. 


  • Alice Cooper, Rock Legend
  • Condoleezza Rice, Former Secretary of State, American political scientist and diplomat
  • Kathy Ireland, Founder of Global Fashion Brand, wife, mother and philanthropist
  • Avery Johnson, 1999 World Champion NBA guard from the San Antonio Spurs
  • Bobby Richardson, Three Times World Champ with the New York Yankees
  • Michael Franzese, Former Mob Captain of the Colombo Crime Family
  • Eric Metaxas, NYT’s Bestselling author, Radio and Television Commentator
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