The Upside Down Kingdom

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My new book, The Upside Down Kingdom: Wisdom for Life from the Beatitudes launches this week. Thanks to Crossway Publishers for the magnificent job they’ve done in bringing it to life.

A Kingdom?

In this world?

A place where crooked places are straightened

The rough made smooth

Joy replacing tears

Mountains dripping with fresh wine

Where thirsty souls look to God

Walk with God

Delight in God.

A kingdom?

In this world?

The ever-striving search.

Tossing our eyes like dice across the green felt of life,

we dare to hope

Dare to believe

Where is this kingdom?

Amid the strong?

The bright?

The impressive ones?

No. It Is Found Here:

Blessed are the poor in Spirit,

A poverty that crumbles like a dry kernel

And one day springs to life

Where is this kingdom?

Among those who mourn

The weeping worshipers who find comfort

Where is this kingdom?

In the midst of the meek,

Who marshal strength to defend the helpless

Where is this kingdom?

With souls that hunger for the eternal

Famished and filled at the same time

Where is this kingdom?

In the heart of mercy,

A compassion that melts hostility and strife

Where is this kingdom?

Among the pure in heart

Who dare to approach the unapproachable light

Where is this kingdom?

With the peacemakers

Who see in the fragments of a broken pot

the beginning of a new creation

Where is this kingdom?

Among the persecuted and maligned

Who believe the righteous King will come again

A Kingdom?

In this world?

Indeed. For those who can see the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

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