Wesley’s Prayer

Andy Crouch has a fine article titled “Letter to a soon-to-be published author.” I decided to review it this week after my piece on Catholic resurgence in America was published by Christianity Today Online. As Crouch suggests, those who write or speak in public must be conscious of the particular temptation to confuse our image with Christ’s image. As a safeguard, Crouch proposes prayerfully reflecting upon John Wesley’s so called Covenant Prayer (below). It is a good reminder that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we are not.

I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven.

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