Elton: Day 39

Progress. That’s what today was about.

Elton made his last Target run today (And this time he walked.  In fact, he even pushed Simeon in the stroller). After two hours of shopping, the family returned home to start Elton’s packing process.

This evening Angela gave Elton a haircut. The entire time she commented, “Wow, this hair is great! I’ve never cut hair like this. It’s like wool….” I sat in the next room in earshot and responded by telling Elton that Angela was complimenting him. We had a hearty laugh through the whole experience.

hair salon

Angela thought it would be fun to show you a comparison of Elton’s knee from pre-surgery to today. I took the photo on the left four weeks ago just minutes before nurses wheeled Elton into surgery. We are delighted with his progress and optimistic that it will improve further.

 Knee b4 surgery knee progress

Tomorrow is Elton’s last full day before returning to Zimbabwe on Thursday. We have a bunch of fun activities planned. Please pray for us as we are already feeling a bit melancholy.

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