Elton: Day 10

Eat your heart out Usian Bolt; Elton Sare is on the move! Below you see Elton triumphing over the rigors of physical therapy. After walking up and down the hallway and climbing a series of stairs he received an A+ from his therapist.

The next Olympic competition was weight lifting. The blue concrete tube featured below weighs 300 lbs. On the left you see me struggling unsuccessfully to pick it up from the ground. Elton, however, showed amazing strength by lifting it with just one hand.

After exhausting ourselves in competition, we decided to kick back and wait for the nurse to complete Elton’s discharge. In the following pictures we are engrossed in the Asian Baseball Classic. It was South Korea versus Japan.  We both rooted for S. Korea, who took the game by one run. 

Watching Asian baseball

After giving Elton the last drop of factor we completed his paperwork and headed out. He was excited to be headed home. With ear buds protruding from his ears (one of Elton’s doctors purchased him an iPod) and balloons flying around the wheelchair, we said our final goodbyes to the hospital staff. It was a terrific experience at RUSH hospital.

Elton discharged

As you can see, the boys were thrilled to have their big Zimbabwean brother back home. Elton too was happy to be reunited with his little buddies.

Elton home with boys

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