Elton: Day 11

“This place looks like RUSH Hospital,” said Elton while he and my son Luke sat together this afternoon on the couch with ACE bandages wrapped around each of their legs. Luke’s ankle started to bleed internally, probably on account of vigorous playing with his brother Philip. Such is life for boys with hemophilia.

Yesterday Dave, “the leg man”, as my son called him, came to setup the machine which will exercise Elton’s knee. It’s necessary for Elton to be on it for five hours a day to keep the blood flowing and build his muscles. It can be rather painful, but Elton has established a workable routine, as pictured below.

Dave the leg man

rehab machine

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, we have enjoyed some royal feasts for dinner, thanks to the generous ladies of College Church in Wheaton who have been making us meals throughout the week. The box containing tonight’s dinner was so large that it nearly occupied my entire trunk. After unpacking it I couldn’t resist taking a photo.


The meal is one of several metaphors describing how this project of helping Elton has been a team effort. Numerous people from around the world have joined forces to make it happen. Angela and I have received some attention because Elton is in our home and I’m the one posting photos, but we’re really just one slice of the pie (in this particular meal the pie was a peach cobbler with pecans and whipped cream).

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