Elton: Day 26

Today was a day that Elton will never forget. In fact, neither will we. After a visit with our Hemophilia Treatment Clinic, several members of “Team Elton” met at Maggiano’s Restaurant to meet over dinner. In addition to our family and the medical staff from RUSH, others flew in just for the occasion, including Laurie Kelley and Neal, Elton’s sponsor. Following are a few of the many photos that were taken.

John and Elton

John gives Elton a vaccination. 

Laurie and Elton

Laurie Kelley of LA Kelley Communications with Elton. Laurie is a dear friend whom Angela and I met when we lived in Massachusetts during my seminary days shortly after Luke was diagnosed with hemophilia. I refer to Laurie as the Apostle Paul of the hemophilia world. She’s too humble to take credit, but in truth it was her tireless effort that made Elton’s trip possible.


Elton beside his sponsor, Neal. I can write for several pages about Neal’s amazing generosity and how much I admire him, but he wouldn’t want me to do that. This is one of many photos of Elton unpacking gifts which Neal just purchased for him at the Woodfield Mall. 

Famiglia with Elton

Elton with the Castaldo famiglia.


Elton with his most prized gift, a new laptop.

Laurie and Chris

Laurie and Chris debating about who was actually a better Saint: Patrick or Francis of Assisi. She won, but only after quoting a limerick in Gaelic about Patrick’s clover emerging from a glass of green ale.

Nancy and Elton

Elton with his beloved physical therapist, Nancy. 

Philip dessert

Philip. Only God knows what was going through his mind. I imagine that after having already finished three courses of food (antipasto, pasta, and the entree), and feeling quite full, he is psyching himself up for the dessert—“I can do this; I MUST do this!”

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