Elton: Day 29

We had another exciting morning at the Castaldo home, but in a good way.  The UPS man came delivering a package at 9:00am from Neil, Elton’s sponsor.  In addition to sending Elton a computer bag, he included some gifts for Luke, Philip, and Simeon. Neil obviously understands boys. The gifts provided all day entertainment, an enormous grace on a rainy day.


Neil also enclosed a copy of his company’s magazine. In the photo below Elton  has turned to the page featuring the numerous children Neil supports through Save One Life.  It is a sponsorship program that directly serves persons with hemophilia in developing countries enabling them to obtain vitamins to prevent anemia, school fees, food, transportation to clinics, painkillers, proper shoes to protect ankles from bleeding internally,and life-saving medicine when possible.

Elton in the magazine

It was a huge step forward for Elton today. He has the drive to walk and thankfully he has maintained muscle control since his bleed on Monday.  Although he wants to walk with only one crutch, he needs to first acquire a greater degree of leg extension. Toward that end he now performs a variety of exercises for “homework.”  This is done with the understanding that when he returns to Zimbabwe (he leaves April 9th)  Elton will have to be his own physical therapist.

Elton Walking

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