Elton: Day 30

Today, Elton awoke to a winter storm.  This is the second time he has enjoyed watching fluffy white flakes descend from above (left). More amazing still was the sunshine and green grass that became visible by the afternoon (right).

Winter Wonderland this mornSpring again in afternoon

Philip came home from Sunday school class last week asking Angela to make the bread that Jesus multiplied for the five thousand.  His Sunday school paper even offered a recipe for it!  So today, since the boys remained home with colds, Philip and Mommy made matzo.  In the picture below Simeon and Luke help to stir. Elton declared that matzo was “very good” (right).

mixing matzomatzo in bed

Not only did Elton eat Israeli cuisine, we also enjoyed Ukrainian chocolate which Angela’s parents delivered this afternoon from their recent missions trip.  Coupled with the chicken marsala and ravioli, our style of food may be described as “eclectic” (with an emphasis on Italian).

Ukranian Chocolate

Simeon below wanted to try Elton’s CPM machine.  He doesn’t quite understand that he is much too small for it.  He does understand however that his leg is supposed to go “right there.”

Simeon on the leg machine

This evening we watched the movie Jesus of Nazereth at Elton’s request. This was our boys first time through it so Elton edured several interruptions from Luke and Philip asking questions like “Will our bird, Silver, rise from the dead?”

Brownies and Last Supper

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