Elton: Day 31

We had a relatively calm drive to the city today.  It was Elton’s “final” doctor’s appointment with his surgeon.  Dr. Verma was pleased at Elton’s progress, but wanted to see him with better extension.  So they prescribed a number of “new” exercises (medieval forms of torture).  In the midst of one of them, Elton had a bleed. We infused again and iced, and within 10 minutes Elton said the swelling had stopped.  You can imagine how our hearts beat faster.  Elton remained calm and with his warm smile expressed that all was well.  I asked Elton if he wanted to have another exciting drive to the Emergency room.  What is it about Mondays?

Below are our waiting room pictures with a little window into how we entertain our boys. It starts with Chris giving Elton a hand.

Giving Elton a hand


Waiting for Doc Verma


Waiting…in fact, see for yourself…

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