National Outreach Convention

I want to remind you about the National Outreach Convention in November in San Diego. It is one of the largest gatherings each year with a single focus– how do we reach more with the message of the Gospel?

Now, more than ever, outreach is a critical area on which every smart church leader is focused. The opportunity to connect with un-churched is unprecedented as people search for truth – desperate for good news and hope.

The “NOC” is known for providing practical, powerful and innovative teaching. You can learn from leading churches in numerous outreach areas: assimilation, community transformation, church planting, multi-ethnic outreach, ideation, digital strategies, social media and many more…Take a few minutes to read about all the sessions available.

Presented by Outreach Magazine this is one gathering you should strongly consider adding to your calendar for 2010. You will leave with new ideas, inspiration and focus for effective outreach in your own community. Bring your team and use it as a strategic planning and vision casting opportunity. Make use of the networking, the online community with conversations between leaders just like you, the discussion groups, book signings and a huge exhibit hall with all the latest resources and tools in various areas of ministry. It’s a 3-day experience that will powerfully impact your ministry.

This year, I am presenting a session titled Taking with Catholics about Jesus. You may read all about it here.

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