Reaching the Partially Evangelized this Christmas

Our Executive Director at the Billy Graham Center, Dr. Lon Allison, reminds us of the opportunity this season to reach the partially evangelized for Jesus.

 Family Dinner

There is still a Christian tradition in America. The wider Christian tradition, including Protestant (for the most part Mainline), Catholic, and Orthodox persons includes some 135,000,000 people (Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life-US Religious Landscape Survey). We know that many in these traditions understand and nod yes to doctrines of the Trinity and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But holding to the doctrine is not the same as experiencing the saving, leading, and companionship that only the new birth in Christ offers. Rev. Billy Graham has called such persons “half-evangelized.”

Let us suppose that 25% of the persons in these denominations and traditions have experienced the new birth and filling of the Holy Spirit. Even if that is the case, there are still 100,000,000 who have not. Nearly one-third of the USA. I know a couple who fit into this category. They both have spiritual yearnings. They are spiritual, with some Christian understanding, but clearly do not show evidences of new birth such as a vibrant personal walk with God, a desire to be with God’s people, a hunger for holiness combined with humility, and the like. I love them, and Jesus loves them more. My prayer is: Will they come to you this year, Lord? Make it so.

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