Upcoming Events


March 26 

Dialogue with Cardinal Francis George, 7:00-9:00pm, Edman Chapel, Wheaton College.

It will be my privilege to moderate an upcoming dialogue with Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, and Dr. John H. Armstrong, President of ACT 3. It will be a “Conversation on Unity in Christ’s Mission,” that is, we will explore how Catholics and Protestants can understand and relate to one another with Christ-centered fidelity, in a way that acknowledges our differences while also finding appropriate ways to collaborate in cultural engagement.

The event is free and open to the public. Following the discussion, there will be time dedicated to questions. We covet your prayers, that the grace/truth balance, about which I speak so much, would be inspired by the Holy Spirit, for the benefit of Christ’s Church, to the glory of God.


April 5

Sharing Christ at Easter among Friends and Family 

You are invited to a training session on Thursday April 5, 7:00pm – 8:30pm aimed at helping you approach Easter competent and equipped to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We will meet in the Wilson Suite, 4th Floor Billy Graham Center on the campus of Wheaton College.

According to a recent National Barna Survey, only 55% of American adults who identify as “Born Again” have actually shared their faith in the last twelve months. Among this 55%, those who feel competent in doing so are miniscule. Herein is the particular need that we wish to address: to help the church relate the gospel in ways that are clear, winsome, and compelling. And what better time to do it than Easter.

April 14 

Journeys of Faith: Evangelicals Becoming Catholic, A Response

A number of brief lectures in Barrows Auditorium (in the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College) from 9:00am-12:00pm with Q&A following each. A continental breakfast will be served. Admission is free and open to the public.
Lecture 1: Gregg Allison, "The Roman Road, or the Road to Rome?  Why Some Protestants Drift to Catholicism and Why They Should Think Twice."
Lecture 2: Craig Blaising, "Does Accepting the Canon of Scripture Implicitly Affirm Rome’s Authority?"
Lecture 3: Chris Castaldo, "Crossing the Tiber: Why Catholics and Protestants Convert."


April 22

Preaching, Iglesia Del Pueblo


April 29

Preaching and Gospel Renewal Seminar

Trinity Evangelical Free Church, South Bend, IN


May 7

Reaching Young People Training Seminar

Statistics indicate that 85% of people who come to know Jesus as their Savior do so before the age of 15 years old. Around the world, church leaders are uniting around the idea that reaching, training, and releasing children between the ages of 4 and 14 years old (“the 4/14 window”) is the way that the Church will be used by God to transform the world. If we fail to reach children, we are missing the biggest and most fruitful mission field on the planet.

Please join us as Matt Armstrong, Executive Director of Crossroad Kids Club, provides a training session on the opportunities and challenges associated with gospel witness among young people, particularly by reaching out to them in their local public schools through an after-school club program. Monday, May 7, 7:00pm in the Wilson Suite, Billy Graham Center, fourth floor.


Please direct speaking inquiries to chris.castaldo [at] wheaton.edu

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