The Final Day

Sunset at playa de san diego“Divine grace” best summarizes the Holy Ground Southern California book tour. Having visited 12 different churches to meet with pastors, spoken at four of them, and a university, I am keenly aware of God’s merciful oversight. Here is one example. It may sound insignificant, but it’s really quite amazing: while traversing foreign cities with the threat of California traffic around every turn, not once was I late for a visit. Clearly, there has been an intelligent power greater than On Star responsible for guiding me.  Indeed, it has been the Lord himself, full of kindness. And in the final analysis, there’s nothing more to say about it than the doxology.

Last night I spoke at First Presbyterian Church of San Diego. After changing my Hawaiian shirt for something more Presbyterian-like, I loaded copies of Holy Ground into the car and traveled downtown with Ralph and Donna. A large number of former Catholics, and also some practicing ones, attended. Their thoughtful questions and valuable input made the evening a pleasure.

This morning (Thursday) I visited a new Catholic University in the area called John Paul the Great, since it is located just a few miles from my residence. Dr. Michael Barber, Professor of Theology, gave me a personal tour. The school’s mission has been shaped by the so called “New Evangelization” of Pope John Paul II (some of you may have read my Christianity Today article titled “Catholics Come Home?” which touched upon the movement). Before leaving, I provided copies of Holy Ground to faculty members.

Goodbyes are always tough, especially when you’re saying them to close friends. This was so when the MacKenzie’s drove me to the airport this afternoon. It’s nice to know that in Christ such occasions are only temporary.

Thanks to all of you who have been following these posts, lifting me in prayer, making me laugh with your humorous commentary.  I have received many such messages, some of which from far-way places like Germany, Italy, England, India, and various states across the country.

Finally, praise God that he chooses to use Mr. Magoos to accomplish his purposes.  What can we say except to echo the Psalmist’s anthem, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” (Psalm 115:1).

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