We Made It

We’re toasted after nine hours of flying from Chicago to Honolulu, Hawaii, but, thank God, we’re now here.

Luke, our eight year old, had the plane laughing hysterically during the landing. On  account of thick clouds and 20+ mph winds, our final descent was like a roller coaster ride. While Angela, who struggles with motion sickness, was turning green, Luke was hooting and hollering with delight saying, “This is the best ride I’ve ever been on. Mom, you told me that last hour would be the longest… this is the best. Hold on everyone, we’re doing the loop-d-loop… here comes the barrel-role.” Finally, for his encore, Luke yelled, “Watch out everyone, Mom’s going to puke!” While everyone’s laughter turned to fright, I looked over and realized that the coconut doesn’t fall far from the tree.  

After getting dinner near the beach in Waikiki, we drove northward to Angela’s Cousin’s house where we are staying. I look forward to giving you a proper update tomorrow, but in the meantime, thanks for your prayers!

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