
040a.palmtreesandmountains2.jpg by Eve of Discovery.

After scraping ice from my windshield at 5:00am this morning, I drove to Midway Airport en route to LA. I learned (with some disappointment) that in my town Starbucks doesn’t open till 5:30am. Thank God for the 24-hour Dunkin D’s!

Once airborne, I flipped open my laptop and watched a recent Biola debate between William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens on the question of God’s existence. Lane Craig marshaled one of the clearest and most substantive arguments I have heard.

My host and his wife are long-time friends from college. Today, I’m impressed with the value of friendship. Years pass, communication may be limited, but when friendships are genuine, you simply pickup where you left off without missing a beat. The older I get, the more clearly I recognize this blessing as among the greatest of life.

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