It’s Harder Than You Think

Living Room

Today we enjoyed lunch at the home of friends from church. Among the sweetest blessings of life is fellowship with believers you’ve met for the first time and nonetheless feel that you’ve known forever. Here is a look of the view from their living room where we enjoyed lunch.

 LunchWindow view






Surfing is harder than you think, at least if you’re me. While looking out the window toward the pool, I saw my surfer dude son standing on a board daring me to come down and attempt it. “Sure” I said, with the sort of confidence that inevitably invites humility. Angela snapped the photo of me holding the board below, my attempt to look cool; and it’s a good thing she did, because it was the last moment at which I possessed a shred of dignity. 

Big Kahuna

Chris and Board

Despite my best efforts, I tipped over and got dunked a couple of dozen times. The best I did was the following shot in which I appear to be posing but actually I’m just bracing myself for another dive.


I'm Up 

Finally, I resigned myself to the fact that in life you sometimes must leave to your children those things that you yourself can’t achieve. And of course, they were all too happy to demonstrate their exceptional equilibrium (on the first try). And yes, Mommy was also able to do it. Eat your heart out Annette Funicello!

The Boys

Momma Kahuna

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